Photographic Idea List

So before we start…

Get a pen and paper…

And write down everything you find interesting!

Why?… I’ll me tell you why I do

It started for me with a tweet basically asking for some project idea’s… I was going through a phase of no inspiration at all. I was shooting my family, but that after 3 months of lockdown was getting too much.

I had a message from another photographer who shared the idea and concept of writing down a list. This list can be comprised of anything you shoot, find interesting and drawn to.

What they shared blew my mind really…. And to be honest couldn’t understand why I hadn’t done something like it before. I’ve written down hypothetical project idea’s before, but they were written down before I had ever shot anything like it before…. A few of them never started and after reading what was shared I realized why… No interest in that particular subject, only the belief it might be what others would like to see…

I sat down for 10 minutes with pen meeting paper, and I had my list… Its allowed me to go out anytime, shoot what ever I want and in a roundabout way, build multiple bodies of work.

Already, going through my work since then… I am already seeing a pattern & narrative in my work.

What I didn’t do consciously when writing my list is how connected they all are… If I just keep shooting how I do, I will have a pretty good body of work.

Its also helped me learn more about myself… Maybe it will for you too.

If you have read this far, then good for you… This isn’t the most interesting blog post, but I felt it to be important because ultimately, what are you trying to achieve with your photography?

Are you in it for the likes and 50k followers? Are you in it as a way to make money?…

I started photography because I thought my old mans new canon 7D was cool… Since then I’ve shot everything… Models, landscapes, wildlife etc to where I am now, and finally happy with it.

In that time I have come to see that my work is me… Its everything about me… I shoot to document my time on our planet, where I live, what I love and how I see the world before me…

I see things differently than you… and you see things differently to me.

The fame and fortune, likes and followers don’t mean anything… I’d still shoot without social media. My work is personal to me and I hope yours is too

I think I have ranted on long enough now… But I encourage you to write down your list… then get out and just shoot… You may be surprised by what you can achieve… And I really hope you might see yourself in the work.

Where’s my list you ask? For my eyes only… I don’t want to make you think my idea’s are what anyone should shoot.


Its been a while!

So its been over 3 months since I last wrote a post here… Why?

A few things have been going on in our personal life, which has had an effect on my state of mind and I just lost the spark or urge to get out and shoot. I know it happens to all of us, but I’ve shot non stop for 8 years and this really wasn’t normal.

After an event that happened this this month, it really put life in to perspective, to follow my heart and dreams as someone would have wanted me to.

Its still very fresh what happened, but I’m going to use the pain as strength to achieve what I have craved for a long time.

Grandpa, 1931-2020

Grandpa, 1931-2020

Personal Work

My personal work is still as always developing, but I want to continue with project work… Well I actually need to find a new long term project as my Home project is coming to a close. After nearly 8 years I’ve decided to edit down the work ready for print. When I say print, for now it will only be for family members.

I have a few things I want to shoot that will take a little time, but with perseverance I will get there.

Visual Noise Collective

This year there is going to be a lot to come from our collective, its been a slow start for a few reasons but I think we can get our heads together to make it what we want it to be. I’m not sure where it will take us still… But I know for sure the journey will be fun, educational and exciting for us all.

One thing I would love to do , is to have a gallery of some of our projects. Just the thought of having our work printed, and on display to people would be amazing.

More projects to come also but I’m looking for us to start a joint long term project to work towards and potentially print.

Toby has been working on a small zine for one of our projects. I can’t wait for this personally. It will be really cool to have in our hands and be proud of.

Well that about wraps up this post, I plan to write a lot more over the coming weeks months…This year basically so keep your eyes out!

