for me at least

I appear to be making a habit of not posting for long periods. There might be a month where I do what I intend to, and post once a week. Then there could be a month gap between. And sometimes longer! Distractions! I have way too many distractions in my life. I call them hobbies, but boy oh boy do they distract me from taking pictures.

I’ve been writing this blog for little over an hour at this point because of Top Gun (original, and the best by the way). Major distraction. Perhaps I need to focus more? Or stop some hobbies? Or just carry on and be happy with the pace in which I post on here? I think it will be the latter.

Another 20 minutes have past and I’ve written a paragraph of sorts…

As much as I love taking pictures, documenting my family (more on this later) and working on projects, when I need to step away and live, I do. Fishing. I’ve fished since I was a young boy when my Grandpa taught me. The first fish I ever caught was a Perch, and 30 years later it is still my favorite fish to catch, albeit different way of fishing now with lures but that 3oz perch I caught 30 years ago really set it off. Before the river season in the UK ended in March I managed to land my new PB at 3lb 12oz!

This is a good distraction!

The latest but not new hobby is shooting. My son showed an interest so I picked up another PCP Air Rifle for him and we’ve going going out most weekends to the range. He loves it and I’m so happy that we are able to spend time together while doing something we both enjoy.
Today he even shot a 20 gauge shotgun for the fist time at some clays! He was absolutely made up and his face! I wish I had my camera because his face was just pure excitement!

As far as distractions go, spending time with family is the best.

With all of that said, I’ve just dumped my SD card to the computer, and there is still quite a few frames taken this month. Anything good? Nah not really but just a lot of memories, that I’m glad to have taken.

I need to get my a**e back in to gear really and get back to a project I really got going earlier in the year. It will take a few years I suspect as the seasons change and events happen but I need to drive up there and get cracking!

Here is a handful of pictures I’ve taken during March

2 hours to write this small post!

BAKER: Out and About 003

With one project coming to its temporary end; another begins.

The paused project requires access that at this present time isn’t available. I have some contacts to make enquires with to pursue an alternative direction to take the project, and assuming they are willing to collaborate and potentially open some doors, then i’ll have a rethink on how to actually shoot the project. I want to spend a few years on this as the issue at hand tends to be more problematic from Autumn to end of Winter.

The “New” is actually a resurrected project I started and dabbled with over the last 3 years. Access is far easier and I’ve been in contact with a Charity to, not so much collaborate with, but to give to. If all goes to plan, one day i’ll tell you, maybe.


Documentary Photography: At Home

Have I written about this before? Yes. Why am I writing more about it? Because its still relevant to my life and could be in yours too.

Importance of documenting your life

I’m now 12 years deep in documenting my family, and had planned to put a stop to it. That didn’t go so well and I’ve continued to do so, although not as much as I once did.
I realized that this isn’t a typical project, and I say that in the sense that its really only for me and my family to see, sure I share the work but when I make books from the work, they are for me and my family. So I’ve carried on shooting and our lives haven’t stopped, so what should the project.

I happened to watch ‘Kodachrome’ again this afternoon, no real reason but its a good film. The ending really struck a chord in my heart. It highlighted how powerful pictures can be. They provoke emotions, memories.

“but my pictures aren’t good”

Yes I’ve had that response during a conversation. And do you know what, it doesn’t matter, if you’re not planning to have a show or publicly sell a book, it really doesn’t matter. These pictures are a record of your home/family/life, to be looked back at in years to come. If you want to try something new with your photography, its a great way to do just that.
The most important thing to do, is PRINT YOUR PICTURES!

The take away from this is. Document your life, for the future to one day, see, ask question and wonder how life was. The same way you might see a picture from 60 years ago.

Here is a few frames from the last week or so at home.

Thanks for reading and have a great week!


Documenting your own town

Why document where you live?

This is of course a personal opinion, but i’m always fascinated to see pictures of where I grew up, and where I live now in the decades gone by. The difference in style and fashion or people, the design changes in the automotive world. I always love to see buildings that are still standing now from 100 years ago.
Seeing the past is one thing, but the imagination takes over and then I wonder what life would have been like compared to the now. At that point I have to research the history of a place, and more often than not their history is pretty astounding.

Just these small reasons is enough for me to try and document where I live so maybe in the future, someone like me will see them and wonder the same things I do.

How to document where you live?

Now this is the big question isn’t it. How? To be perfectly honest, I don’t think I can give a concrete answer to this. As humans we are all different and have a different perspective on life and what matters, as photographers we have our own way of taking pictures. Some may just want to shoot still images of the architecture, others the people.

So with that said, I’ll give my take.

Having people in the images can often give a time to when an image was taken. The clothing they were wearing can be an indication of era. People is the work makes it have life, something we can all relate too.
I have been working on a project for the last few years attempting to do just this, and have started it over 3 times. It really isn’t easy, but so worth while. If not for you then for the future generations to see.

Thats just my opinion, photographing the buildings, old and new can be just as important and nothing wrong with that approach neither.

Difficulties documenting a small town?

The hardest thing I’ve struggles with when trying to document my local area, is the suspicion that I get. Its not everyone I must say but the few that are, you can’t help but let it get to you and it can effect the way you shoot.
If anyone does stop and ask what you are doing, or why. Make sure you have a clear answer to put their minds at rest. Its almost like having a sales pitch memorized.
Last weekend I was out and I had a lovely lady stop and ask what I was doing. After explaining she was more curious and interested in what I was doing and why, rather than suspicion.

Is there a chance of a confrontation? Sure, of course there is. But in all my years taking pictures on the streets, protests. I’ve only had one confrontation and it was resolved in 1 minute and was no drama at all, so the probability of this happening is very small!

Anyway, I’m back to the storyboard and notebook to figure out the best approach for this small project.
