Lewis Baker Photography

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New Photography Collective - Visual Noise Collective

Hey everyone!

I know I’ve been quiet on the blog for the last few months, but it is with good reason.

Firstly I had a lot of travel through the summer with work, but the main reason was creating a new photography collective…. Visual Noise Collective!

Myself and 3 friends came together to get our collective off of the floor. The hardest part was the naming of it… That seemed to take forever, but with all of us throwing idea’s around, we all settled and were happy with Visual Noise.

Instagram handles for us all below:

  • @lewisbakerphoto_ - Me

  • @tobyvphoto - Toby

  • @graemebphoto - Graeme

  • @dontforgetchaos - Jonny

  • @vncollective - Visual Noise Collective - Twitter: @VNCollective

We all have a similar outlook on life, but of course see the world differently. So being able to have 4 different perspectives shooting one subject will be amazing to see.

Be sure to check out the rest of the guys and give them a follow! If you could also follow the Collectives Instagram, the support will be appreciated!

So here we are, with a new collective. Website is under construction, but we wanted to get out in to the world straight away, so our first mini project was to shoot our close environment. Interpret Close Environment however you will but we had to shoot just that, within 2 miles of our homes in 7 days. You can see the work on our Instagram page!

Its still very early days and we have some amazing things to come in the future, so keep your eyes out for work to come. I’ll be using my blog as a platform to post news regarding the collective, until the website is running.

I’ll still be blogging here too, this isn’t go away at all!

Thank you all for your support!
