Lewis Baker Photography

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Documentary Photography - Whats coming for 2018?

This is the time of year for I imagine everyone, to reflect on the year just gone and plans for the year ahead.

For 2017 taught me a few things about myself, who I am and what I want to be... Its had its ups and downs... My life and the minor worries we have, have been put into perspective by some things that happened...  Its been a realization of what direction I want to go in and the future I want for me and my Family.

So... 2018! How and where did that creep up on us? I'm adamant time goes faster when your day to day life, especially in the job I'm in is the same day in, day out! 

I Start my new Job in January which will free up my weekends again to focus more on my photography projects and the business side of things... With hard work it will be my sole income to provide and support my family.

Talking of projects.. I'm really excited to be able to continue my 'Sand between your toes' project. If you read my blog, you'd have seen my post about how the project came to life. I feel at home on the beach, something I'm sure a lot of people can relate to. 

As I do everyday, I'll be continuing with my 'Home' project. Its started to take a little turn from my original Idea of it being a documentation of life at our house. I've realized that home is where ever my family are so that might be the park, the car, where ever!.... Largely the shots will be at our house but I expect it to include far more than just that.... I still have the same problem with this project though... When does it stop? Those with kids will know what I mean when I say I'm compelled to document their lives every day.... Something I need to figure out I guess.

Youtube!... Yes I am thinking of starting a Youtube channel... Its a thought that to be honest scares the shit out of me but I believe we need to challenge our fears to move forward.

So why now? Well I ask why not?... Sure there are more than enough photography related channels out there on the web... Yes no doubt what I say and cover will have been said and watched before... But none of them are me.
I want to be able to educate people, be it technical information or philosophical information on how I see the world I live and shoot in.... Something I need to do and I look forward to that new challenge!

So for anyone reading.... Keep you camera's out, keep shooting and keep the positive thoughts coming... Focus on what you want and believe its already yours and good things will come!

Happy New Year to you all!
